The Product


Vitalan - a prebiotic food developed specifically for cows

Cows are very efficient converters of grass. The disadvantage of this form of feed however is that the nutritional value of pasture depends on several factors:

  • Favourable growing conditions for the grass
  • Adequate fertilizer programs
  • The correct balance of moisture and sunshine
  • Good physical soil conditions

These factors combine to provide an unpredictable balance of food value in grass which can not be closely controlled. Generally, dairy cows can adjust to changing feed conditions but at certain times of the year there can be major changes in food values. The spring growth flush will cause some cows to scour from the rapid increase in protein value of its feed. The health and natural production of the animal suffers as a result.

Vitalan can help the cow improve its ability to digest additional protein load or to change from feed types without the common problems this causes. Vitalan also helps an animal get greater food value from poorer quality feed. Pasture quality begins to deteriorate in summer and autumn. As prebiotics increase gut populations of bacteria this in turn increases the efficiency of the feed process. The cow gets maximum food value from the feed it takes in. Better feed conversion results in lower feed costs for the farmer.

Other Benefits of Vitalan

  • Decreased parasite load which reduces the need for frequent chemical intervention
  • Improves herd condition, appearance and demeanour which results in calmer and contented animals that are easier to handle
  • Faecal output is firmer which helps in environment control
  • The population of infective bacteria in the lower digestive tract is greatly reduced and the risk of disease and infective transfer is minimized
  • Non-toxic, safe and easy to use
  • Better feed transition helps with pasture management